Reidar Gårdebäck
More than thirty years of experience in sales and marketing of medtech and IT solutions for healthcare. Have had several CEO positions in large cooperations like GE, Medtronic and public listed companies on NASDAQ. Entrepreneur experience in venture capital and seed financing as well as working in incubator environment as program director for Medtech4Health which is an innovation program financed by Vinnova. Focus during the years has been establishing sales and marketing activities and partnerships in an international market and submission of more than seven hundred procurement bids.
More than thirty years of experience in sales and marketing of medtech and IT solutions for healthcare. Have had several CEO positions in large cooperations like GE, Medtronic and public listed companies on NASDAQ. Entrepreneur experience in venture capital and seed financing as well as working in incubator environment as program director for Medtech4Health which is an innovation program financed by Vinnova. Focus during the years has been establishing sales and marketing activities and partnerships in an international market and submission of more than seven hundred procurement bids.